因為新手套讓我燃起對NOKONA的興致,NOKONA在我心目中真的是America’s living legend,幾天之前試用水牛,吸球性跟包覆性真是一流,吸球方面,個人覺得NOKONA比絕大多數日製硬式手套還優,它也是我唯一看過用磁鐵取代羊毛作為手套填充物的手套,這也難怪我會對NOKONA越來越感興趣,基於好奇心,我又寫信給美國NOKONA問了問題,第一個問題當然是date code的疑問,他回答說”未必”是我說的;第二個問題是我長久疑問,每次拿到NOKONA都有一個印第安人的頭,到底是怎回事,難道德州Nocona這個小鎮都是住印第安人嗎,或是NOKONA的職員都是印第安人(誤)XD,還是NOKONA是用印第安人的皮作成的(大誤),XDD,對方回答我印第安人代表美國本土,原始的涵義,也指美國原創,當地中學的吉祥物也是這個;第三個問題是NOKONA合作的皮革廠是誰,銷售經理說這天機不可洩漏(其實我早猜到他會這樣回答),不過是哪幾家皮廠我心裡有譜就是了,以下是我和NOKONA SM的往返信內容
  Hi, Chris:
   Thanks for your help anyway. I’ve already got the AMG300BF glove^^. It’s so fantastic and I love the glove very much. It makes so happy for days. I even put it beside me when I go to bed.
  Recently, I am pretty interested in both the NOKONA brand and the glove.  Hence, I don’t know if you could answer the following questions for me?

Q1:I saw a date code 0701P stamped on my AMG300BF glove. I know that 0701 probably means it’s produced in Jul. 2001, but what does the P stand for? I also own a nokona buckskin leather glove and it says 0907X. Same question, what does the letter after the four digits mean?

Q2:I knew that many NOKONA gloves have the “Indian logo” on them. I was wondering is there any relationship between the NOKONA and the Indian?

Q3:What’s the main tannery that NOKONA uses?

    Last but not least, NOKONA is getting more and more popular in Taiwan. And I’m always a NOKONA fan. To be frank, I hope NOKONA will live forever and make the ideal glove in my mind: A 11.75″ H web with the combination of walnut and kangaroo!!!!
    Thanks Chris. Hope to get your mail soon^^

Hi Maverick,

Thank you for your e-mail…it is great to hear from you. Here are some answers to your questions.

– The date code is an internal coding system that we use and does not correspond to an actually date. Thus, the 0701P that you see on your
AMG300BF does not necessarily mean that the glove was produced in July, 2001.

– Regarding the “Indian Head,” this has been a part of Nokona’s branding for many years. The Indian Head represents the American-Made heritage of Nokona and is also a tribute to the town where the factory is, Nocona, TX. The mascot for Nocona High School is the Indians.

– Unfortunately, tannery information is confidential and I am unable to share this information with you. However, I can assure that all tanneries that Nokona uses produce top-notch, high-quality leather.

Lastly, thank you so much for your support and suggestions! We will take your requests into consideration when coming up with future Nokona models.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. Again, thank you for your comments!

Best Regards,




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