Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide

<h3>Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby flaco425 » 2009 12 21, 7:17

Is the PP model really more durable than the HOH model? I ask because Im considering a trade used PP for new HOH Anyone with knowledge would be helpful.

<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby Awarsoca » 2009 12 21, 7:29

<– prefers HoH

<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby MVALZ » 2009 12 21, 7:40

You’ll have trouble finding a glove more durable than a HOH
You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby flaco425 » 2009 12 21, 7:51

So trading my PP trapeze for HOH trapeze is not a bad deal? The HOH trap is brand new.

<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby yankees23 » 2009 12 21, 8:28

I personally like both models you are talking about. The Pro Preferred model is a little lighter than the HOH. I find the bigest problem with the Pro Preferred gloves is that unless the glove is black or a darker brown they look terible after a lot of use. The HOH seems to hold it’s color much better and doesn’t look as beat up after a lot of use. I still have my old USA Trap-Eze PRO-TB but recently sold my P.P. Trap only becasue the color was grey, if It was black I would have kept it because I actully like the feel of the pro preferred gloves and the newer pittards lining is a nice improvement.

<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby Awarsoca » 2009 12 21, 10:08

If your PP has the pitards lining this is a much harder decision. If it is the old lining in, hands down the HoH because the lining wears out so much faster in the PP i’ve had
<h3>Re: Pro preferred vs Heart of the Hide</h3>

Postby jsalinas » 2009 12 22, 6:37

I would have to vote for the HOH. Most PP models that have come through the store for re-lacing seem much older than they actually are. I can only suspect that the durability on the PP is less than the HOH.

上文節錄自GLOVE-WORKS baseball glove forum,比較HOH與PP差異,以前我就看過此種文章,到底是用一般皮生產的的HOH好?還是用小牛皮製作的PP棒?就質料上而言,小牛皮的皮質當然比成牛皮要好得多,但我看了許多美國網站的討論,老美似乎較偏好HOH,而大聯盟球員使用HOH的情況也十分普遍,原因不外乎HOH較耐用,號稱地球上最耐用的棒球手套,還有這個討論串提到的,HOH手套色彩穩定度較佳,另外,早期的PP採用鹿皮內裡,非常不耐手汗,現在雖然改成羊皮,但耐用度似乎還是差了HOH一截,簡單來說,PP主打舒適,HOH則以耐用為取向,好壞判斷自在人心




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