Backstreet boys–Bigger

其實這一首不算是新歌,收錄在2009發行的”This is us” Album,不過最近拿來聽,真的是愈聽愈入味,很棒的歌歐,我很喜歡這首歌間奏那裡”All the messed up things I do. Yeah I swear I make them up to you. Before youre going heaven knows. Just let me make it better, I’ll try to measure up to you, I’ll try to measure up to you”,這段超好聽的啦
  比較特別的是這首歌的MV是在日本拍的,我看場景應該是在東京,幾個外國人在東方的場景非常有趣,他們去唱卡拉OK,逛街,到寺廟參觀,還品嘗日本的美食,so cool~而且MV最後Nick還模仿日本人雙手合十,十分逗趣^^
First off I cant keep a promise
Im no one to count on at all
Add on that Im a coward
Too scared to return your calls
But you dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger (Lalala Lalala)
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger
Than me (Lalala Lalala)
Its known that Im a liar
Often Im blacker than white
Add on my uncanny ego
No ones as humbled like I
But you dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger than me (Lalala Lalala)
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger than me(Lalala Lalala)
All the messed up things I do
Yeah I swear I make them up to you
Before youre going heaven knows
Just let me make it better
I’ll try to measure up to you
I’ll try to measure up to you

You dont care
You keep sticking around
While Im locked in a cloud
Youre bigger than me (Lalala Lalala)
Cuz youre still here
Your feet stuck to the ground
Despite how silly it sounds
Youre bigger
Than me(Lalala Lalala)



  1. 哈囉~~我是上次跟你買rawlings護碗的林先生
    哈~最近我也入手了一咖pp 是12吋的(找了好久^^)

  2. 哈囉 很高興看到你的留言
    12″PP 該不會是棋盤格那咖吧
    我最近也有拿到一咖 哈
    有空再一起出來打打球 交流交流:)

  3. 挖勒~~你連這個都知道
    不知道拿這個來守外野ok不ok? ^^”

  4. 我之前賣過你那咖 很優 依你的習慣這個尺寸應該剛好^^ 改天再請你分享使用心得^^

  5. ok!ok!!因為12吋好像只有棋盤格跟雙片球擋兩種,我又怕雙片球


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