美規rawlings pro preferred (PP) Francisco Lindor PROSFL12美規rawlings pro preferred系列美規rawlings Heart of the hide (HOH) 系列美規rawlings Heart of the hide (HOH) 系列(退指設計)
美國製Rawlings heart of the hide (USA HOH) (Bob Gibson)美國製Rawlings heart of the hide (USA HOH) (Randy Johnson)美國製Rawlings heart of the hide (USA HOH) (小葛瑞菲)日製硬式Rawlings Special order (R-European kip leat...
日製硬式Mizuno pro order (HAGA JAPAN) 鈴木一朗白金標日製硬式Mizuno pro (HAGA JAPAN) 高井雄平 model日製硬式Mizuno pro (HAGA JAPAN) K型日製硬式Mizuno pro (HAGA JAPAN) D-LINK一代日製硬式Mizuno pro 香檳亮面皮革系列日製硬式Mizuno pro 30周年紀念款日規軟式Mizuno...